Identity Theft & Credit Card Swapping

Identity Theft

Identity theft, credit card theft, and financial scams are the number one crime.

Credit Card Swapping

Here's a new credit card scam reported from out of state and headed this way: In a couple of recent incidents, customers who paid their restaurant tab with a credit card had their cards switched with a similar-looking card. The cards they received turned out to be expired or canceled, while the originals disappeared and were used a short time later by the scammer.

The switched card isn't usually discovered until later when the card owner tries to use what they thought was their credit card. Preventing this scam is easy - check your credit card when it's returned to you after every use to confirm it has your name on it.

Not a week goes by that scammers don't create a new way to separate you from your money. Stay alert and take a few extra minutes to think about what you're doing.